4 Ramadan Series, 1 Blogger (Part II)
HELLO and a very big welcome back to Ask Hue Mann! So glad to be back! I’m unofficially done with university (you’re looking at a...
4 Ramadan Shows, 1 Blogger
WARNING: SPOILER ALERT! Hello and welcome back to Ask Hue Mann: Ramadan Edition! I have been under the radar for quite some time...
21 Things I Learned In 21 Years
Hello and welcome to another birthday post! Why? BECAUSE I'M 21 TODAY!!! Yes, it's true. I'm an adult now, but only legally. I'm still...
"The Blooming Flower" - Chapter 1
“Damn it.” I said to myself. The scale was always a nightmare. Especially when the result was gaining weight. “What else am I supposed to...
A Letter To My 7-Year-Old Self
Dear 7-year-old Hend, In case you don’t realize, Yes. This is in fact future, 20-year-old you. No time travel has not been invented, but...