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21 Things I Learned In 21 Years

Hello and welcome to another birthday post! Why? BECAUSE I'M 21 TODAY!!! Yes, it's true. I'm an adult now, but only legally. I'm still the same old goofy, geeky, nerdy, person I will always be even into my 90's. Which brings me to today's post! Unfortunately I haven't had any time or mental energy or preparation to host a "Turning 21 Extravaganza" here on the blog. Being a finance student is REALLY hard, and this semester has not been kind. But I couldn't let my birthday end without some wisdom to impart on my Readers!

So here we go, let's review what I've learned in the past 21 years:

1. Be open to trying new things. This is a silly example but I never used to like anime or thought of the idea as remotely interesting or entertaining. I thought it was the silliest thing I've ever seen. Then my little brother started watching Naruto via the chromecast on the TV outside while I was around and before I knew it, I just had to watch the whole thing from the beginning. That led to Bleach, which led to Death Note, which led to soooo many more interesting shows. I am now an avid fan of anime and I love it. Bottom line is, "Don't knock it before you try it."

2. Put a filter over your thoughts before expressing them. I know! Big shock coming from the person whose most viewed blog post is "Speak Your Mind." I just learned that not everything is okay to just blurt out. I also learned that "sugarcoating" is a skill needed to survive, no jokes. Yes, honesty is the best policy, but keep in mind that some people can't handle it. You just need to take a minute to think of the consequences of what you're about to say. If you can't, "Just smile and wave boys. Smile and wave."...But seriously just nod and stay quiet.

3. Be yourself completely and honestly. I learned that I'm a very weird, goofy, geeky, nerdy, crazy person. And I love it. And others love it too. Some don't, and I am very much okay with it. Because you just stop caring and start living and laughing and loving. And that's all there is to it. So just be who you want to be and commit to it. "There is nobody in this world who is youer than you."

4. Go out on a limb and go somewhere new alone. This experience has a term called "masturdating." I kinda sorta had this experience. I bought a ticket to a Harry Potter-themed charity event called "The Half Blood Sphinx" and it was a DIY version of The Triwizard Tournament. Now I'm sure my fellow potterheads will know how exciting this is, and for the muggle readers, you're missing out. Anyways, so I went with the intention of going with friends but they couldn't come, and I met up with an old friend and her crowd but it was still quite a solo experience. And I had so much fun! I mean how many chances does one get to wave a wand and cast spells in public and not be apprehended my the Ministry of Magic for it? So, I learned that sometimes you just have to go to something or somewhere new alone. Get to know yourself more.

5. Take the step to make a major change in the way you look. I took the decision to get a haircut that was completely new to me. At first I was just shocked at how much hair was gone, but then I just kept discovering more and more perks to the cut (I can wear beanies now!) and so many people complimented me on my new look. It gave me such a huge boost in confidence that I didn't know a haircut could give. So if you want to get a haircut that's really short, don't listen to people who say things like "But your hair is so pretty" or "Leave it long" or "What if it turns out bad?" To completely get over all of that, I highly recommend to go to a professional and consulting before you cut it. Let the professional cut it, too. Something like this should be in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing. So, go try something new with your look and flaunt it.

6. Be unapologetically weird. Before you start protesting, hear me out. When you are 60 and you're looking back at your younger years, do you want to be boring or weird? If you pick weird, then be as freaking weird as you want! Laugh uncontrollably, mess around, make jokes, and just have fun with it. Don't give any thought to people probably staring. They probably wish they could be having as much fun as you are!

7. Have a political stance, but don't talk about it. Over the past 3 or 4 years, I've learned that politics is not healthy the way it is now. Because it just has an agenda hidden behind its hidden agenda! And in my opinion, I don't think I should invest mental and emotional energy in something that shady. Why waste my time on something that no one, except the actual politicians and governmental people, know everything about? It's not worth it in my opinion. I'm not saying you shouldn't be aware of what politics is currently up to, however I'm just saying that you should direct your focus to something more positive and beneficial. I also know that political opinions tend to ruin relationships of all sorts, so I wouldn't recommend bringing it up in conversations.

8. Crushes are bound to end. I don't want to elaborate on this too much, but on 99% of occasions, the crush always just fades away. Not sure if it could ever come back, and I'm not sure if you could ever feel the same way if it does, but there is a world of possibilities. Just be natural about it and if that includes you no longer having a crush on someone, it's cool fam. They're not very helpful to the heart or the mind, what with the constant fantasizing and the accelerated heart rate and all that. Point is, just accept your feelings, or lack thereof.

9. Group projects are the worst thing about university. I learned how much I absolutely hate being in a group project. It's by far the most infuriating, frustrating, difficult, and trying thing about being a university student. It's especially worse when you don't have a say in who you work with. Probably the most accurate thing I've heard to describe this is the fact that choosing a group mate or a project partner is more difficult than choosing a spouse.

10. Patience is extremely important. Be experienced in the art of patience. You have to be patient, even a little. You definitely will come by situations where if you're not patient, you will be stressed to no end. If you can't reach the stage of patience, then aim for nonchalance. Just don't give too much care to what is stressing you out. Better you be nonchalant than panicky and hysterical.

11. Find something creative that you love to do. You all know that my creative activity is writing. But there is actually a very wide range of creativity. Especially in this day and age, there are just so many ways to get in tune with your creative side. Hundreds of forms of art, so many instruments and methods of making music, poetry of all forms, writing of all styles, the possibilities are immense. So you should have no trouble finding something to keep you creative, and find something new once you get bored with one.

12. Just don't hate. Don't be mean. Don't be hateful. Follow the principle of "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything" to the letter. As I previously mentioned, sometimes its better to keep your mouth shut. And something that Zoe Sugg has said and inspires this piece of advice is that if something you're going to say will not contribute in any way to the world's happiness, then just don't say it. It's not like the world needs any more negativity. Don't hate. Because like love, hate is a strong word and should be used with caution.

13. Family is everything. My family went through a tough time recently, and it was the bond and feeling of family that kept us going. So I implore you, don't lose familial bonds. You're always going to need your family. You're going to need a shoulder to cry on, you're going to need someone to listen, you're going to need someone to help, and you're going to need someone to support. Family is all of that and more, so don't lose it.

14. Don't invest any portion of your life in people who are not good for you. If there is someone who is causing toxicity in you, cut that person out of your life. If they are somehow causing you to be a worse version of yourself, then you don't need them. They may think that you're being unfair or silly, but you're just looking out for yourself. It's not because there is something necessarily wrong with that person or they are a bad person, but you're just not compatible at all. Don't force yourself to keep that kind of influence in your life. If its harming you, it needs to go.

15. Don't rush. You may think that you need to have accomplished a certain something at a certain time or that you're supposed to have everything figured out. Fact of the matter is, sometimes plans change for a number of reasons that may or may not be in your control. And major life events happen when they're supposed to happen not when you think or other people think should have happened. So just go with the flow and let the chips fall where they may.

16. Keep the friends who are there no matter what. Your real friends are the ones who are there for you during the happy and the sad times, who won't be pushed away when you try to if you're in a bad place, and who do what's necessary to keep you on the right track, even if it means telling you the truth that you don't want to hear. Those are the people who you should have by your side for as long as possible, so treasure them.

17. Make sure you have an escape route. You need two: a place you go to for the sake of just clearing your head, and somewhere in your head to distract you for a while from uncomfortable feelings. Pick a favorite spot that you can get to easily, and find a way for you to immerse yourself into something fictional, like a book or show or movie. This just gives your everything a break from stress.

18. Always keep tissues in your bag, everywhere you go. This is a weird one, but I swear to you I regret it every time I forget to put a pack of tissues in my bag whenever I leave the house. I'm the type of person who cry-laughs a lot, so I always require tissues after laughing. And I always have a runny nose in the winter. I also get very hot in the summer. You see where I'm going? ALWAYS PACK TISSUES.

19. Makeup is good sometimes. I started off university wearing a full face of makeup every day. Then I stopped wearing it all together in university. Then I started being a finance student and not getting enough sleep. So my advice to girls is to wear the essential makeup. A full face everyday is harsh on the skin. So use the following for a natural but healthy look: Moisturize your face first, then concealer, mascara, and fill in your eyebrows, and then finish with some lip balm. If your skin is having a bad day, use a bb creme or something alone that line. Keep it simple, but efficient.

20. Sometimes you need to go back to your roots. By roots, I mean going back to your childhood. Refresh your mind, body, and spirit by feeling like a child again. I do this by playing a video game from my childhood, watching cartoons or movies I loved when I was a kid, or perhaps you could treat yourself to a snack you used to love or a meal or something. I recommend going to a place you used to go all the time when you were little, acting like a kid with someone you love, or spending some quality time playing with kids.

21. When it all comes down, remember to love who you are. I'm not usually one to take this advice, but I do advise everyone to do it so you don't end up like me (JK). Seriously, it is important to love yourself. Because you and yourself are a package deal that is non-refundable. You're stuck with yourself forever. So be kind to it. Treat it well. Love it. Be your own best friend. Because there will be times when you are alone, or you feel alone, and you may need to remember that you still have everything that you are.

Well, that's it for this week! In case you're wondering, I'm working on the next chapter of TBF (WOO!) and I will use the time I have in my mid-year vacation to prepare some new material for you guys! Suggestions and ideas are always welcome so please comment them or let me know on any of my social media links all available in the bar on the right!

Thank you so much for sticking with me, I hope you enjoyed reading my pieces of wisdom, and if you like my writing and want to be told when I post anything new, subscribe to the blog and like my Facebook page! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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