Hello and welcome to another rendition of what I call my thoughts. Sorry for being off the grid for so long. I have several perfectly good explanations. I have been recovering, getting sick with, and am now recovering again from a bad case of the flu, and have been absolutely swamped with assignments, quizzes, projects, and am now cramming (when I say cramming I mean studying several chapters in a subject, hundreds of pages for just 30 MCQ questions (: ) for midterms week. Seriously guys, junior year (3rd year) of university is really freaking hard.
But, as I was laying in the comfort of my duvet-covered bed, scrolling on my Facebook timeline while taking a short break from studying Islamic Finance, it occurred to me that I have been seeing quite a lot of complaining lately. For several different issues. Worldwide, too. And then I had an epiphany, so before my brain reverts back to maximum studying overdrive, I decided to discuss this epiphany in a blog post. That epiphany would be the following: Complaining never helps.
If there is one thing that I have been taught over and over and over again over the course of my 20 years of life, it's that complaining about the problem just doesn't amount to anything. Here's why:
WHERE'S THE SOLUTION? - You'd think that most people, when complaining about a certain problem, have a good and applicable solution to it. But lately, that hasn't been the case. People are outraged and dumbfounded about the stupidity of other's actions or about the current state of things around the world, but my question to you people is: So what do you want to do about it? The answer depends on whether your complaint is well-grounded. Tip 1: Next time you want to raise an issue, suggest a solution to it to increase you complaint's credibility.
PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO HEAR COMPLAINTS - Unless you're complaining to a professional whose job is to listen to all of your complaints, grounded or not, no one wants to hear it. Trust me when I tell you that it just won't work. You nagging about a problem doesn't grab people's attention to it, rather it further drives them away from addressing the problem. An example would be Egypt's current economic state. I'm not an economist and am still a financial analyst/manager (whichever I decide upon graduation) in the most basic of training, so I won't go into details. However, the majority of the posts related to this issue that I see on social media is just complaining about the president and how things are worse since he took over and about the US dollar's value skyrocketing and bla bla bla. No offense to the people complaining, but I'm pretty sure the president doesn't want to hear you making fun of every single thing he does. This applies to any complaints towards a public figure. You not liking something that figure does is not a good enough reason to make unnecessary comments and jokes about them and is certainly not a good enough reason to complain about the state of things, which surmounted to what it is because of several factors in play, not just one person. The summary of this reason is that because people keep making complaints and allegations and claims that have no base, it causes other people who avoid negativity to avoid addressing the issue altogether. Tip 2: Instead of taking the first chance when finding something to complain about, how about letting the chips fall where they may? Let things run their course and then raise your issue with suggested solutions.
WHY ARE YOU EVEN COMPLAINING? - Ask yourself this question. Seriously ask yourself, why am I complaining about - insert issue here - in the first place? If this problem of yours causes you harm in any way, then sure, your complaint is based on the grounds of personal security. If it is causing the community significant damage and you'd like to do something about it, then yes, your complaint is one that is group-based and not one about self-interest. If it is a complaint that very few people are aware of and can amount to serious consequences in several aspects, yet very few people are aware and you want to increase that awareness to ask for help or come up with a collective solution, then you are right to want to raise awareness about a serious matter. So ask yourself: Is it hurting me? Is it hurting other people? Do more people need to know about it? If the answer to these questions is a no, then you probably should just keep your complaining to yourself and save some face. The big question about complaining is: What is the true goal behind this allegation/complaint/targeting of - insert issue - ? Some people are genuinely sincere in wanting to raise awareness about a topic they think is serious, while some people kinda just want more likes and shares. Tip 3: Look at your complaint on a deeper level and assess the reasons for it, before you make it. It's better than being sidelined by being asked for your reason and not knowing what it is.
COMPLAINT RELATIVITY (SERIOUS LEVEL/SCALE) - Sometimes, its not the best time to discuss a topic or issue or problem. Especially when there is a larger-scaled problem happening at the moment. It's like complaining about the amount of studying you have to do when there are people focused almost entirely about problems in their family/jobs/the economy and are facing serious struggles. You're complaining about something that is necessary while people are facing issues that they wouldn't wish upon their worst enemy. Not only is it kind of inconsiderate, but its also just unnecessary. If your issue isn't on the same level of "pressing matter" or seriousness, or not at the same scale as another issue, and especially if it will eventually pass if you just suck it up and deal with the problem yourself (as only you can), then don't raise it. Tip 4: Not the time or place? Don't say it. It will just cause more tension than there probably already is, so make it easier on yourself and everyone else and just address the issue yourself.
So, to conclude the argument (or complaint, haha) that I'm trying to make, complaining is not always necessary. When there's no need for it, it just spreads unwanted negativity. We have enough of that in the world, as it is, so let's contribute positive energy at least in a passive way, which is through silence when it is needed. Sometimes its just better to silently observe than to commentate. I prefer that approach, and would highly recommend it to all of you, my dear Readers.
However, keep in mind that there are times where you absolutely have to speak up. There could be a number of reasons why you should tell people about an issue you have and why its an issue to begin with, or there could be one reason. But as long as you have a strong valid one, then don't be afraid to speak your mind and express what you're feeling and thinking. Just follow the guidelines I gave you and you should be A-okay :D
Well, that's it for me at the time being. As previously mentioned, I am currently sick as well as cramming. So sorry this post wasn't chapter 5 of The Blooming Flower, but I still hope you benefit from this little old post of mine. Speaking of which, if you don't know what The Blooming flower is, then where have you been?! It's only Ask Hue Mann's first ever original story! If you haven't read it then chapters 1 to 4 are currently written and published right here on the blog under the category "The Blooming Flower". Read them and let me know what you think. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the blog, like the Facebook page, leave me any suggestions/comments in the comments section here or on any of my social media platforms, and lastly, wish me luck in my exams!
Thanks for reading and I'll see you when I see you! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)