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Why I Want To Travel The World

Hello and welcome to another one of my many, many thoughts. Before we begin, just wanted to apologize for not posting last Thursday. By the time I realized it was blog post day, it was already 2:00 AM. Trust me this only happens when you spend a week getting little to no sleep because you're studying 12 chapters for a final exam.

ANYWAYS, today I'm going to share with you my reasons for wanting to travel the world. My reason for having a little thing called wanderlust.

One of the main reasons I want to explore this big world we live in is to see just how big it is. To broaden my horizon. Seeing different places, meeting different people, breathing different airs, walking on different grounds, they're all elements key to a wider perspective of the world we live in but never really see. It is a weird thought that a person can go their entire life just staying in the same place. Why not step out of the usual comfort zone for a bit and actually live? I mean we live on a planet, but we don't take the time to see what we live on. Not only is that a bit of a depressing thought, its also a lonely one. You could go your whole life thinking you're the only one who has the problems you do. Who feels the pain you do. Who genuinely believes that you're carrying the weight of the world. When in actuality, so many people feel the same way, if not more. Once you actually see with your own eyes that there are people who share what you feel or believe, it will most definitely make you feel less alone. Also the world is so big that you can actually see things that people haven't. Imagine getting to tell a story about you being the only one who saw something spectacular that no one has ever seen. Just seeing people's eyes light up as you give them a whole scene played from your brain and told from your heart, that's worth a few hours of flight.

Another reason I want to visit, well...everywhere, is because I want to learn as much as I can. I want to learn about different cultures, histories, monuments, people, dances, food, art, music, and everything in between. You won't get a better view on it than from the people who have inherited all of that information from their ancestors. They'll tell you all about it the way atlases and history textbooks could never tell you. I also want to learn about all the countries I visit. How they're doing in the world. These days I can never really believe what the media tells anymore, social or otherwise. You can only get the truth yourself in the end. Plus, and this is probably one of the most intriguing reasons for me, I want to know if people in different places across the globe would do things differently. How would they change the world if they could? How would they live if they had a choice in everything in regards to that? What would they like to send as a message to the rest of the world?

The biggest reason for anyone who wants to travel and explore is to attempt to understand the world. It's probably impossible because of how big and ever-changing it is, but I want to know that I tried or that I grasped some sort of concept about why the world is the way that it is. I need some questions answered, but I won't find them by staying where I am for the rest of my life. Questions like: How bad are the effects of global warming or climate change? Are there people actually trying to save the world? Are there people like me somewhere else? What views on God do people of other religions have? So many questions, so little time, such a big world.

They say that everyone around the world sleeps under the same stars. But do they really? What about all those pictures I've seen of really beautiful starry skies with galaxies and constellations and all of those wonderful cosmic things? Were those actually captured on camera or were people fabricating them? I for one would much rather see them in person. Plus, I think that although we may all sleep under the same stars, we don't sleep under the same skies. Here in Egypt, Cairo specifically, you don't get starry skies unless you get to high grounds. Like in Mokattam. But there are places where seeing starry skies at night is normal. How can I just go on knowing that such places exist and not go see them at least once? Also I have this deep belief that if everyone looked up into the sky more often, we'd be a little better as human beings.

So, to sum it all up, all these experiences that one gains from traveling, I think they'll just make you a better person overall. You'd have gotten your eyes wider, your mind broader, and your ego smaller. Its an enriching experience that I hope I can have one day. I hope I can say that I've seen a lot and that I'm happy about it. I want to tell my stories from around the world to my friends, my family, and maybe even to my kids. Mostly I want to see the world for what it truly is, not for what others make me believe it is.

So, there you have it! If this wasn't as long of a read as usual, I do apologize for that. I am in finals month and it is draining. That, and I didn't exactly have time to really plan something to write. But, nevertheless, I sincerely hope you enjoyed this piece and that I inspired a little bit of wanderlust to emerge in your souls and hearts.

Thank you for reading! Please subscribe, like, share, comment here or on any of my social media links in the platform on the top right of the page! If you have any questions/suggestions for next week, do tell! I could use a little help since my brain is currently wired for processing not outputting hahaha! I love all of you Readers and I will see you next Thursday! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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