I'm a dog. I am apparently called by the name Bruno, but my person calls me buddy most of the time, sometimes even good boy, but only when I behave. I love my human, but sometimes she can be weird. I don't think she appreciates my play biting, although I don't understand why. Its always been the way I played with my litter mates, even my mother.
My human is very complicated. She makes me do these tricks for delicious pieces of food, when she can just give them to me. If she loves me so much, why doesn't she just give them to me? She also doesn't seem to understand that I don't like being pet on my head. But she figured out that I prefer on my chest. She's smart like that.
But the most thing I like about her is how much she loves me. She doesn't smother me with love like the other humans, she knows when I did something wrong. She's strong like that. But sometimes she's not strong. Sometimes she comes to me leaking from her eyes and whining. I used to think that she was hurt or something in her bones, but I now know that she does that when she's hurt in her heart. So I try my best to cheer her up. I lick her a lot on her face, I try to get her to play with me, and eventually when those don't work, I just sit with her until she feels better. I know she feels better when she starts to rub my chest the way I like it or when she lays her head on my back. Because she's thanking me.
I love my person, more than my own life. I think she's just the right person for me, even though she doesn't always give me those good bits of food, or sometimes gets upset from my play biting. She's perfect for me. And even though I will sometimes want my own way, or get too excited over dinner or sniffing something, I'm perfect for her. Because we need each other. Because we complete each other. And I'll always be her good boy, her buddy, and her Bruno.