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Review Wednesday: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Book)

Hi everyone and welcome to the very first edition of Review Wednesday!! Today will be a book review, since no requests came in and this is the most recent book I've read. So please if you wish to see anything you want reviewed leave it in the comments or ask me on my twitter handle at the end of the review.

Let's begin shall we?

Let's start with the very first impression giver, the cover! Now I find the art work of the book cover very simple very friendly. The design includes chalk font which makes it very familiar and the font is in simple black and white clouds. I find the whole cover very inviting since its so simple you want to know if there is a bigger story behind the cover. It intrigues curiosity.

Now, on to the literary content. I found that this book contained a lot of new phrases that were easy to understand, basically the main characters were portrayed as very enriched, literature wise. The narration was done by a main character, Hazel Grace Lancaster. The author had her narrate in both the way a teenager would and the way a literature majored graduate would. With the occasional swear every now and then but it was mostly very grown up so to speak. I thought the way it was written was very suitable for people of my generation and older generations up to the age of between 35-40. The language was grasping in my point of view. I have rarely come across a book that was of high level linguistics and so youthful. Maybe even this is the only book of such type I have come across. I find that it was written precisely in a way that had a variety of vocabulary and entertains today's youth and grasps their attention, evidently by it being so popular among my generation's members.

Now for the story. It was one of the best lovers' tales I have ever read. There was none of the usual drama that you would see in the regular soap operas or the drama shows these days. Just two young people, both disabled, both in pain, who have managed to find love against all odds. And it wasn't the cliche 'happily ever after' that usually all long novels end in. It was, as the writer so eloquently put it, an infinity bigger than all infinities, even though it was a brief one. Just the way the two main characters interacted with each other made me feel like they have been together for so long. Their story was brief on paper, but infinite in memory.

Finally, the character critique. Let's start off with the heroin/narrator of the book, Hazel Grace Lancaster. She had a personality that almost made her complex in a way. She knew she was dying, and at times you'd feel like she didn't really care, but at the same times she does but only out of concern for those around her that matter the most, her parents and her lover. She was in the mentality of not letting others invest in her so as to avoid leaving scars in them after she's passed away. And yet she manages to meet a boy who she falls in love with. She is the kind of person who yearns for someone to love, but pushes people away in fear of hurting them.

Now Augustus Waters, her love interest, was the opposite. He had the mentality of just enjoying what remained of his life, so he would do things like not deprive himself of the sight of something beautiful (or in hazel's case, someone) and he was a metaphorical person. He had a way of charm that is very rare to find. He'd be upfront, bold, and just plain honest. Now his mentality contrasts Hazel's since he knows what he wants and goes after it, while Hazel chooses to give up what she wants for other's sake.

The relationship these two had was unlike most people would see. They would differ on opinions, and always agree to disagree. They would have the most odd conversations and debates that only they would understand, and they were the perfect example of opposites attracting. But it seemed as if the moment they met their souls intertwined, because they've always been upfront with each other and you could get the sense that they knew each other for a lot longer than the story portrayed.

So, this book was, in conclusion, unique, enriching, grasping, heart - warming, and I would recommend it to all of you. This book for me gets a rating of *****.

So I hope you all enjoy my very first review on my blog. I have written reviews in the past, but not as many as you think (at least not many that I enjoyed writing). For more recommendations and suggestions on what you want me to review for next week ask me on my twitter handle @HueMann1996 and also you can send me suggestions for Short Story Friday. Okay so that's it for today! Enjoy and leave me comments telling me what you think! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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