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Relationship Advice For Girls

Hello and welcome to another dose of life advice. Today's topic is Relationship advice for girls. And if you know me you would definitely tell me to take my own advice. Anyways, there comes a time in a girl's life when she begins to feel some strange things, towards a certain guy. The butterflies in your stomach. The wobbly legs. The blushing. The jealousy towards other girls. The day dreaming. The hearts all around his name. Shall I continue? I guess you got my point so far. This is what is most commonly known as...Dare I say it? Yes I do. It is called...THE CRUSH *DUN DUN DUN* I'm just kidding. Having a crush isn't that bad. So as for some pieces of advice on how to react to this crush, here is the following. First of all, from my painful experience, what I've learned that is very crucial to know for every crusher, DO NOT AVOID AND/OR IGNORE YOUR CRUSH. They will 95% of the time take it the wrong way. By that I mean they will think you don't like them and completely shut you out. Afterwards being around each other will be REALLY awkward. Next I must tell you to also NEVER blab it out to anyone EXCEPT your best friend and your mom (optional but gives great advice). Why? Because when you assume you can trust someone, then you really can't. One of those people is bound to either tell your crush or let it slip. Be it good intentions or bad, it still mucks up the situation most of the time. And next we have this little cutie, DON'T KEEP YOUR CRUSH FROM KNOWING FROM YOU. Only you should be the one to tell your crush how you feel towards them. It will relieve the blow of shock, increase your confidence level, and then you can find out for sure if your crush likes you back or not. Finally, if your crush says that they don't feel the same way, ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! There are so many more guys and there is that one special guy who is dying to finally cross paths with you. The trick is to stop looking for him. Let him come to you. It will happen when the time is right. Now when that time has come, things of course will be all fine and dandy in the beginning, but you do have to work to keep it that way for as long as you're together (hopefully for as long as you both shall live (; ). So to help you I will tell you the following. First, be your lover's friend at first. This helps him warm up to you without all the awkwardness. Take it step by step, at a pace that is suitable for both of you. Next, I tell you to not get controlling over your man. Guys do not like to be bossed around. You ask them nicely, and if he doesn't want to, just talk it over like civilized people. Next I must tell you to not argue with him about everything. He's your boyfriend not your debate competitor. You talk. To have a proper argument you state your opinion, listen to his, consider his, think it over, and then decide the next course of action to take. And finally I wish to tell you that in order to have a successful relationship, you both must do what the other likes or wants to do. Take turns. This helps you to put yourself in the other's shoes as my Mom always does, which in turn helps you understand each other in your needs, your aspirations, your dreams, your emotions, and the way you show your love for one another. Before I end this I would like to point out that some people mistake crushes for love sometimes. I once read something on twitter that was supposed to be a fact. It said a normal crush lasts up to four months and any longer than that would be love. This is not true. Love and Crush are completely different things. A crush ends when you meet someone else. Love ends in heartbreak or "til death do you part". So always check your feelings carefully. Don't be impulsive about it or you will be screwed. Well I hope this dose was helpful to my femme fatale readers out there. Thank you for the views and don't be shy to leave comments or questions either on youtube or blogspot. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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