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Pressures of Society

Hello and welcome to your second dose of life advice!! Today's topic: the pressures of today's society. Now I wanna talk to you about being pressured to do things you don't even want to do. Why go do something just cuz it will make you look "cooler" or "popular"? Wouldn't you rather ACTUALLY be cool AND popular? How you ask? The answer is simple: Just BE YOURSELF!! I mean how much cooler can you get when you're not afraid to speak your mind or do the things you like and be the person you wanna be and date the guy/girl you like? You'd have to be superman just to get cooler than that! So what I've blogged to tell you is DON'T GIVE IN TO PEER PRESSURE!! Especially when its going to cause you harm, either physically or mentally. For example, don't start smoking because the cool kids do it or tell you that it will make you more popular, don't prevent yourself from asking the guy/girl that you like just because the popular people say that he/she is a loser, and don't sell yourself no matter what! Why? Because you're better than that! Yes you are better than that! No matter what you may think, you always deserve the best, no matter whose child you are or how much money you have, no matter who you are. You are probably asking yourself "Why is this Hue Mann character telling me this? He doesn't even know me". You're right. I don't know you. But that won't stop me from trying to help those who need it. Like I said before, I do my very best to help, and I don't care who asks for my help. As long as someone asks me for it, I will give it. So, all in all, PLEASE don't be sheep. Your next best shepherd is you, so don't sell yourself as dead meat and don't always go with the flow. You never know what you may find when you're on your own. Like the famous Albert Einstein once said, "The one who goes with the crowd, will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is more likely to find themselves in places no one has ever seen". Well I hope that you found today's dose of life advice sweet. If you have any questions, all you have to do is ask. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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