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Hello and welcome to another dose of life advice. I know its not really daily anymore since I haven't posted in a few days, but I had exams + house problems. So I guess some of you can understand. Anyways, today's subject is parents and I have something I wanna say to you viewers from my personal on-going experience. Your parents will ALWAYS be your parents. Married or not. But there may come a time where your parents are fighting and arguing alot and you don't know what to do about it. Well here's your answer. When it comes to their marrital problems, DO NOT GET YOURSELF INVOLVED OR LET ANYONE INVOLVE YOU, INCLUDING YOUR PARENTS!! Their problem as a married couple should not affect their parental status towards you. However, when it come to the ordeal that one of your parents may leave you for good and never come back, THAT is when you should intervene. Because since you parents will always be your parents, yoh have rights in them! You should demand those rights from them! This is from personal experience. I am doing my best not to intervene inless it is absolutely critical. So should you. And another thing. If one of your parents wants to leave and not come back, think about the reasons they have for doing it, then decide how you should fight for them to stay. I for one am thankful for such a thing as divorce. I don't like that it may happen to my folks, but I am accepting it willingly. Because I am tired of seeing my parents at eachother's throats, growing more angry day by day whenever they have an argument. Of course there is one downside to divorce. Re-marraige. If one of them gets re-married, it is very bad for you. Because you are most definitely not going to be able to stand that new person in your life acting like you father/mother. I know that I wouldn't. So I plead out to u guys again. PLEASE DO NOT INVOLVE YOURSELF IN YOUR PARENT'S ISSUES! And if you have younger siblings, you have to do everything to make sure that they aren't tramatised by these events. They are the least ones who don't understand what's going on so they are the most ones who will be hurt. It will be a difficult task, as again I know from my personal on-going situation, but it must be done. Do not leave your younger siblings in the dark. No matter what. Hope you heard my plea. Hue Mann, over and out!!

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