Before I begin telling you about it, I can appreciate some of you thinking it might be a bit too personal to share. But I think this is something that has helped mold me into the person I am today. And there is no shame in admitting to being bullied, because it just makes you stronger than keeping it inside. I also thought you, my readers, would like to know some of the core of me.
Okay. It all started around fourth grade. I had just transferred schools and was feeling quite shy. Over a couple of weeks I've managed to be friends with around 3 people, or so I thought. I used to be good friends with one of them, a girl, and she was, apparently, the jealous egotistic type. I found out after the auditions for a show where there were try outs for singing the song My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. And I got the main part of the song, which she wanted, along with the other girls in my class. This is actually why I hate this song now :p. Anyways, after that she made it her mission to ruin my life in school.
I was always the innocent student who never got into trouble, and she was just about to destroy that for me. She'd dance ballet around the music room (for some weird reason, maybe showing off. I don't know) and she would pretend to "accidentally" hit me in the face with her hand or in the stomach with her foot. I'd complain to the teacher but she'd convince him that I was lying. This went on until I was sent to the head teacher in trouble for "lying and trying to blame it on another student". But I never gave her the chance to get the part from me because of getting detention, and I ended up doing the show and pissing her off.
The other part of this story was that she'd convince one of the other two people, another girl, to not be friends with me and to assist her in making fun of me, all the while this other girl would go behind her back and tell me that she was "still my friend". And I foolishly believed her.
In that same year, the third friend, a boy, was so influenced by the cool kids, who some of them happened to be the other girls in my class who were pissed I got the big part. He would get me song lyrics of songs that I like and they started making fun of him by saying that he had a crush on me. He convinced them he didn't by not being my friend anymore and join them in making more fun of me.
The next year I had transferred back to my previous school but it was on a different campus with more students who weren't so nice. I had it hard there, and found it difficult to make friends because of the fourth grade, and I got into a lot of trouble because I was acting out and trying to defend myself. That started when I met a girl and we were supposed to be really good friends. Again I was wrong. We had a science fair and she and I were partners, at first. After me doing most of the work and her goofing off most of the time, she decided to keep the work done so far to hand it in. She did so, but only in her name. I got really upset and my mom saved the day by going out and finding me a model of the human heart (which was our project, and it was really cool). The fair went well, but my mom told me no longer to be friends with my ex partner and to not associate with her at all. So I tried, but she was also friends with a friend I had from kindergarten, and that was just messy. When I wanted to play with them I would somehow end up hitting her accidentally in the eye with my elbow. It became harder since then cuz rumors would be spread about me and one of them was that I liked a guy when I didn't. I went to confront the girl who started them and her "gang" surrounded me and I ended up in a fight.
Then back to jealous girl's school. But thankfully she wasn't there. Who was there, for two years straight were the other girls, and they would bully me about my weight and my choice of friends for the entirety of those two years. They would make fun of my appearance in general, clothes, hair, weight, and I became friends with one of the unpopular kids, who I thought was pretty cool and I still do to this day, and they made fun of me and her all the time. For a few months I was pretty confused about my friendship with her, but we still are friends, unlike me and the girl who was "still my friend". Eventually I made the smartest decision of my life and agreed to transfer for one last time.
I'm not gonna lie, it has left a BIG scar, all of those years of rough childhood. But the first years I just look back and laugh at because it seems stupid to have all that drama while being a kid. But they have changed me. I am no longer that naive, nor am I a push over. I am still a bit sensitive about my weight issues though. But I held on until my final school transfer to the school I am currently graduating from, where I have met so many great people and my best friend ever. And if that isn't success then I'm sure its called something along those lines. So now you know some of my core, hopefully this doesn't make you want to stop reading :p, but I shared this because I want you guys to be sure I'm no fabulous person who has had a great perfect life. Its just the opposite. People who give advice can give it because of experience, no other reason. So now you know some of the real Hue Mann. You know some of Hend as well.
Thanks for reading guys, I love you all loads! Don't forget to comment what you want to read about for Sunday or Wednesday either on blogger or on my tumblr or ask me some questions on my twitter @HueMann1996 or on my @HendMoustapha. See you on Sunday! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)