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Moving On

Hello and welcome to another dose of life experience. Before I begin on today's subject I'd like to thank all of my viewers for getting me past 70 views!!! It feels awesome to know people are seeing my posts. So today's topic is moving on. I think this is something some of us have trouble doing. I know i'm in the process of moving on. There are many things in life that will let you down, disappoint you, hurt you, anger and frustrate you, etc, but there is no reason to let those things stop you from continuing to live and thrive. Sure the guy you like broke your heart. Sure your best friend didn't turn out to be who they say they are. Sure one of your parents left you and sure someone you loved passed away. But the thing is, God is so merciful to us that he created us with the ability to forget and suppress pain. That is why people move on. If we didn't have those abilities we would all probably be depressed and near death by now. So my advice to you, after being pushed down or falling down, is to get back up, dust yourself off and keep walking. The most important thing you have to know, and this is KEY AND CRUCIAL to moving on, is you gotta have the will to do it. Nobody can move on for you. You're the one with the pain so you're the one with the power to do it. Once you've moved on, use those memories from the past as fuel to drive you to live life to the fullest. Use it to teach you not to make that same mistake again. And use it to try and teach others not to make your mistake. And if you've got some suppressed feelings about whatever caused you that pain, you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to let it out. Do what you need to channel those feelings out of you. Confront the cause if you're brave enough, or talk to someone, a friend or a family member or even a therapist, or scream or write or sing or whatever. Just do what you gotta do to let it out. Or better yet find something or someone to help you move on. Pets, new lovers, new friends, whatever. Just don't keep it all bottled in. It will drive you crazy. I know what I'm talking about, it WILL drive you crazy. So hope you've benefited from this dose. Thanks again for the over 70 views and keep 'em coming! Don't forget to leave any comments or questions for me if you want to. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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