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Education, education, education.

Hello and welcome to a very much over-due dose of life experience. Today's topic: Education. I cannot even begin to tell you how important a proper education is! How many of you have already established what they wanted to be when they grew up? For me I've wanted to be a vet since childhood, and I'm currently working my way towards that. But what do you need in order to achieve that dream? AN EDUCATION. Most school dropouts end up on the streets now-a-days, and they rarely end up in the fast food industry or whatever low pay-rate job they can find. That's why I plead you, my dear readers, FINISH YOUR EDUCATION! So you're on the safe side when you're looking for a job. I know I may sound like your parents right about now but they know what they're talking about. Of course some parents tend to exaggerate and give you half-hour lectures and sometimes may even deprive you of a social life so you can spend a lot more time studying. Don't get me wrong studying is important, but so is a social life. Without a social life you may end up many things such as depressed, confused, self-hating, and maybe even turn into an awkward crazy wackadoodle. So balance both things: Study time and leisure time, don't have too much of anything. Just like the band All Time Low said, "too much of anything is too much." Oh and most importantly, don't let yourself go on the whole no studying no homework thing just because other kids won't think you're cool and call you a nerd or a geek or egghead or any of those ridiculous names. If they do that just reply, "You may say that now, but what will you say when I'm a successful _____ and you're the cashier at burger king?" They'll shut up in an instant. So I hope this dose was beneficial and hope you guys keep reading my blog and PLEASE leave some comments for me saying what you want me to talk about. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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