Hello and welcome to another (rather late) dose of advice from yours truly! Today's topic is inspired by my best friend who is currently trying to decide what she wants to study for university. Maybe some of you have yet to experience this, are currrently experiencing it, or are past it. But this is about decisions in general for those of you who just don't know what to do.
Now for starters, I have been in my friends position. I was so dead set on going to medical school. Then afterwards it was vet school. Then biotech school. Then I was completely lost. I thought I knew what I wanted but then I discovered how quickly a person can change their mind, and how frequently. So I was stuck for a while and I couldn't make a decision between going with my gut or listening to my dad and doing whatever he told me. What prevented me from making a decision was the fear of regretting it in the future.
So the lesson here is: if you fear regret, you're not getting anywhere. If you didn't do something because you were afraid of the consequences, then you might have missed out on a great opportunity, or experience or even a great lesson for future decisions. You learn what you learn in life from failed decisions. But you fail and get back up again. That's called living. Now I know some of you may think that you cannot afford to fail at something because its a one time thing or that you can't afford to make the wrong decision because the consequences are just too great. The thing is, the wisest men and women before us are only wise because the made some bad choices. They made the wrong decisions. But the pushed forward and ended up being some of the wisest, most reknowned people to exist.
Don't let fear hold you back from following your instincts. Your instincts will never fail you because they are raw and they are unmoldable. Should you make one bad decision, it is perfectly ok. As long as the decision came from you and only you, then you shouldn't regret it. After all, you made it, so you can fix it. Its not the end of the world. Just get up, dust yourselves off, and keep marching forward into another adventure. Should you happen to find a crossroad on this journey, learn from the last time, trust your gut, and take the first step toward another adventure. This is life my dear readers. Its just how it is. I'm currently at peace with the decision I've made regarding university, but I'll let you know the consequences later on.
So thats all for today! I hope you guys found this helpful. If you have any questions, critiques, or ideas for the future collumns this week, feel free to tell me on nounou1996.blogspot.com or huemann1996.tumblr.com or on my twitter @HueMann1996 and you can follow me if you like. You can also follow me on Bloglovin too. Special thanks to my best friend for the inspiration of this dose. Please wish for her to make a decision she is 100% comfortable and happy with. I'll see you guys for another Review Wednesday! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)