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Hello there and welcome to another dose of life experience from yours truly. Today's topic is dads. This topic I'm sure we can all relate to, is one with a variety of types. There's the over protective, the violent, the one who doesn't have anything to do with you and doesn't want to, the one who walked out on you, and there is the affectionate loving dad. Thank God I have the last one. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have my dad with me. So here's my advice to you. Never ever ever ever let go of your dad, no matter what he does, because some people haven't even met their father for whatever reason there is, be it he died, or he walked out on them. Some people met their father but don't remember them. They probably feel (not that I know for sure) that life isn't fair because they didn't even get to know their dad as well as the other kids. That's why I'm pleading to you to never give up on your dad either (since I said the same thing about your mom). After all, there is a reason that it is a proven fact that most women marry men very similar to their father, appearance or behavior wise. So I know there isn't much to read in this post but I'm sure I've spoken everything I have about this topic. Hope you saw this as beneficial. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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