Hello and welcome to another dose of life advice. This topic is something I still have a problem with. I keep things bottled up. Not literally I mean emotionally and thought wise. I have issues with saying what I feel or letting my frustration or anger out if there is any. Instead I let it all pile up. So my point is basically DO NOT DO THIS! Seriously it ruins you physically, mentally and emotionally. You can feel absolutely exhausted just because you're carrying soooo much baggage. I'm telling you its not healthy. I should know 'cause I'm a wreck. So I would suggest that if you have any repressed emotions now, don't let it stress you out. Instead, find a way to vent. You can exercise, scream, write, sing, play an instrument, punch a punching bag a few times. ANYTHING AT ALL. Just things that won't hurt you or others. Healthy ways. And for those of you who currently don't have any repressed emotions, PLEASE keep it that way. Once you feel frustrated or sad or angry or confused or anything, just vent about it. It makes life that much easier. You can even talk to a friend or a family member or even a counselor if you prefer to keep things confidential. Because when you just pile up emotion after emotion, you eventually become a ticking time bomb. An active volcano. And you may eventually just blow up in someone's face. Someone you didn't even want to blow up on. This will hurt them because they will be confused and in the end there will have been no good reason to explode in someone's face when they never did anything to you. So please be careful how you go about your emotions. They are a powerful thing believe it or not since they influence you in a really significant way.
Now before I go, I want to remind you dear readers that I am 17 and do not have a degree in psychology so the advice I write about are just tips for you to do as you please with them. I do not expect you to live your life based on what I write about. And so you shouldn't. I give tips for you to read about, if they enlighten you that's great, if they inspire you, even better, but I also don't want you to misinterpret what I am doing here. Live your life the way you want to. I am in no position to tell you what to do. I am merely sharing opinions and tips based on past experiences I have encountered.
So I hope you benefited from this dose and if you have anything to add, comment or question, please don't hesitate to leave them in the comments. Also I am currently on hold with my youtube channel since I don't have a proper camera and the footage comes out terrible. I will resume making videos as soon as I get a new camera to film with. Share these posts also if you think someone should read one of them. I would love to add to the reader family. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)