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Best Friends

Hello and welcome to another dose of life advice. Today's topic is best friends. I tell you the things me and my best friend did just makes me smile just by remembering. Now the advice I'd like to give you is to never let anything come between you and your best friend. For example, if your best friend does something that's wrong, instead of deciding to never speak to them again, how about trying to show them what's right? This will not only help your best friend, but it will also bring you two closer together. Cuz, how many people keep in contact and still have adventures with their best friends until they grow old together. It's pretty rare. So make the most of every moment with your best friend. Besides, only you and your best friend will truly have fun together wherever you guys are. You two, together can make the most wonderful unforgettable memories. So remember what I said about not letting anything get in between you and your best friend? Well, there may be one exception. Family. You can find a new best friend (although it will be a bit hard) but you can never replace family. Other than that don't let anything come between the two of you. Who knows? Maybe your best friend can be with you every step of the way. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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