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Be Kind To Others

Hello and welcome to another one of your doses of life experience. Before we get started I'd like to express how absolutely THRILLED I am to reach 92 views!!! You guys have no idea how happy I am! Hope to break the 100 soon so, keep 'em comin'!! Now today's topic is being kind to others. You may be somewhat saying that this is an easy topic, but I beg to differ. I mean I've heard from many members of family that I have the biggest heart, yet I find my self kinda wondering if my kindness to others really makes a difference. Here's the thing, even if I get second thoughts about helping people or any living thing, I do it 95% of the time because....well I just can't help it! The other 5% is because sometimes I can see when someone doesn't need my help or when they can't be helped. So I just leave it to God. I only wish more people were like that. But more people can be!!! I guess those big-hearted people out there that don't do much are just scared. They're scared that people will walk all over them and take advantage of them for their good hearts. I know. I've been there. But what I've learned over life is that even if no one returns the favor or just throws it back in your face or just uses it negatively, being a good person is its own reward, that and you get a spot in heaven. I once heard a story, that was very inspiring by the way, that there was a man and a woman. The man went to heaven for letting a thirsty dog drink from his shoe out of a tiny spring before him even though he wasn't the most praying and God-worshiping man there was, and the woman went to hell because she tortured a cat by letting it starve to death and locking it in a cage even though she was a model God-loving person. So the point of the story is to do good wherever it may be and what ever form it may be in, big or small, because you don't know which one will get you into heaven when the time comes. And do the right thing always, if not for those who need it then for God, because he never quits on a good person. So be sure if someone walks all over you even though you helped them out of the kindness of your heart, don't worry. god will give them what they deserve. So I hope you've benefited from this dose and I hope to see any comments, good or bad but hopefully good, so that i may get back to you later. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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