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Hello and welcome to another dose of life advice. Today's topic is Balance. And no not the physical manifestation that emerges from a certain part of your brain. I mean the balance in the world. Yin and Yang. Good and Evil. Darkness and Light. Pain and Pleasure. Life and Death. There are so many things in this world that we don't like or that we even loathe that only exist because its for the sake of balance. God works this way. This is why He created us unlike all of His other creations. We have the gift of the mind. Not the brain, I mean the MIND. We have the ability to make decisions and choose one of several paths laid down for us. We have free will! That's why slavery can never really exist. Because you cannot take our free will. Only He who has given it can take it. So according to this gift, there must be a decision. And with every decision comes a consequence. And with every consequence there must be an event to balance it out in order for the world not to fall into chaos. Think of it this way. If there weren't racist people who saw the African American population as organisms beneath them in every single way, there would have never been a man written in history named Martin Luther King to fight for them. We would still be living in a world that enslaves African Americans. They would have lived on believing that they don't have their free will. Or another way. If there were never any forest fires or any other kind of natural disaster, there would have never been modern civilisation or better technology. We created that based on the need to better hold on after any of these natural disasters. We would have never created modern medicine or better homes or known how to increase production of food. Remember that a rainbow only comes after the rain, and beauty comes mostly from pain, and new life begins from death. So whenever you feel like maybe you're always meant to be miserable or even always meant to be happy, you are very wrong. Always know that you can't have one thing without the other. You can't know happiness without sorrow. You can't know pleasure without pain. You can't know the sweet without the bitter. In short I think this all means that nothing ever comes easy. So just work hard and you will get where you NEED to be, not always where you want to be. So I hope you've benefited from this dose because everybody needs balance in their life. Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)

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