Well...I'm pretty sure most of you guys already forgot about me by now. Well then let me reintroduce myself. Hi! My name is Hend and I was being a lousy blogger.
I gotta be honest with you guys about why I was gone for so long. There were many reasons that caused me to stop posting all this time. Most of them being my fault.
Alright we'll start off with my part in my being away. Firstly, I was kinda in a bad place, mental wise. I don't quite know what that place is but my state of mind was waaaaay off. It still needs some fixing but I'm working on it with meditation and just taking some me time. That included taking time off of the blog to just think. Its working, I'm a lot calmer and I can calm myself down should I need to. So I now feel like my mind will influence my writing in a more positive way now because if I had posted any pieces while in that bad place, you guys would have stopped reading all together. And I didn't want to give you bad content.
Second, I may have overestimated myself and my schedule of posting aligning with my everyday schedule. Posting three times a week proved too difficult to make happen and I was always apologising for not posting on Sunday or Friday or Wednesday or even all of them. You get the point. Anyways, since I've just come back to writing, I've decided that I will shorten my posting schedule to only once a week, every Thursday. Don't worry, there will still be reviews and short stories, just each column one after the other. I'm hoping you know where I'm going with this, because my skills in elaboration via text is very limited xD.
On to the "not my fault" reasons. I was swamped with studying and finals and being sick. They just all came a little too fast for me and the stress was a bit overwhelming although my friends at university would argue that I looked to be handling it pretty well. I wasn't. I had got in quite late and was sorta being rushed. What's more is my results still didn't come out.
Lastly, the way the I post on this blog is either using my laptop or my Iphone. They both broke several times along with the WiFi being absolute crap (pardon the language) quite a lot. It left me incapable of doing everything internet. No tweets, no blogging, and no contact with any friends through Whatsapp. Sucks doesn't it?
But hey, I got through all of that, and I can't promise you I will be absolutely on time with every post on the blog, but I promise I will give it 100% effort. Thanks for being so very patient with me and my ultimate tardiness. Before I go, I'd like to give a shout out to a new blogger, who is a good friend of mine. He's an amazing writer and posts on his facebook page call K. Here's the link https://www.facebook.com/pages/K/1545433315738455?sk=timeline please go check out his content and like his page if you guys like it! Also, next Thursday's post will be a review, specifically a book. You'll know what it is when it is posted. Thank you all for reading, I love you all SO much, and I'll see you next Thursday! Hue Mann, over and out!! ;)